

Our Advertising Policy provide guidance on what types of ad content are allowed on the Buddying UP Platform. When advertisers create an ad, each ad is reviewed against these policies. If you think your ad was mistakenly disapproved, you can request a review of the decision.

All advertising content must be appropriate for a general audience and for the type of placement in which it will be displayed, and, as an advertiser using the Buddying UP Platform, it is your responsibility to make sure that both you and your ads comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and industry standards in each geographical area where the advertisements may appear. You must be honest about the Products or Services that you promote, and must avoid content that may mislead or offend our Users. Our policies are not intended as legal advice. We encourage you to consult with your legal advisor if you have questions about the laws and regulations concerning your ads.

Buddying UP reserves the right to reject, remove or request modifications to an ad in its sole discretion, for any reason. Buddying UP may suspend or terminate your ad account(s) for severe or repeated Ad Policy violations.

You bear the responsibility for your advertisement. These policies are to assist you to advertise honestly and fairly.

We regularly update our policies. Please check this page often to ensure that you are always up to date on our latest policy requirements.



    General Creative Guidelines

    At Buddying UP we apply high creative guidelines to ad content to ensure a consistent, high-quality customer experience. The policies in this section apply to all ads and serve to ensure a minimum quality.


    No Use of Buddying UP Name or Logo

    You may not include, use or refer to the Buddying UP name or logo in any of your advertising.


    Advertiser Branding

    Your brand name or logo must be clearly visible in the ad to ensure that Users can readily identify you as the advertiser.

    If an ad features both your brand name or logo and the Buddying UP logo, your brand name or logo must be the largest and most prominent.

    For ads promoting movies, TV shows, video games, music titles, and apps, the name of a brand, or the title of a TV show, movie, or video game can be treated as the brand name.


    Background Colours and Boarders

    Customers must be able to distinguish ads from non-sponsored content on the page. Buddying UP imposes certain restrictions on background colours and design to ensure that ads are distinct from non-sponsored content on the page, and that customers can identify the clickable spaces associated with an ad.

    Ads without borders cannot feature white or off-white background colour.


    Distracting Ads

    Animations are not allowed to be uploaded or .gif file type or any image that will mimic moving images.

    Images must not contain text or words unless it's a brand, logo or anything that is integral to their branding or image.

    Prohibited distracting features include, but are not limited to:

    • Flashing, blinking, or, pulsating objects, images, or text.
    • Frequent or fast contrast transitions (for example frames with multiple changes from white to black).

    Fake Functionality

    Fake functionality can trick customers into clicking on ads by believing that certain inactive elements of an ad are interactive and can provide value to them.

    Ad elements that a customer would usually expect to be able to interact with must be functional. For example, ads with a free text field prompting the customer to “enter your zip code” must lead to a landing page with information tailored to that customer's postcode. Driving to a generic landing page or asking for the zip code to be re-entered is prohibited.


    Image Quality

    Images in ads must meet the file size, resolution, and file type restrictions that are specified per type of advertising found in the advertising portal of Buddying Up.

    Prohibited low-quality images include, but are not limited to: crowded images with too many visual objects in one creative, blurry, distorted, low-resolution, pixelated, smudged, or stretched images.


    Ads must be clear and accurate so that customers receive correct information before engaging with an ad or deciding to purchase a product or service.


    Claims and Substantiation

    Advertising claims must be accurate, truthful, and substantiated.

    The following information must be included either in the disclosure section of the ad text or on the landing page (the data used must be from a reputable source, and cannot be more than 18 months old):

    • Awards: The name of the award provider, and the year of the award.
    • Survey results: The source and date of the survey.
    • Statistical claims: The source and date of the study.
    • Superlative and comparative claims: An independent source that supports the claim, and the date of the study.

    If a Product shot includes substantiation for a claim, Buddying UP does not require additional substantiation.


    Prices and Saving Claim

    Pricing and saving claims must:

    • Be consistent across the ad and the landing page. If the ad promotes a percentage savings (for example, “10% off”), the landing page must also reference the percentage saving, not only the dollar saving. If the claim on the ad becomes inaccurate due to dynamic pricing on the landing page, creatives must be paused and updated to use qualified claims. For example, Save $XX or more, Save up to XX%.
    • Clarify when the amount varies across multiple promoted products (for example, “Save up to X% on selected products.”).
    • Be used in the correct context. For example, use phrases like “limited-time offer” for time-bound savings claims.
    • Use seasonal claims during the relevant promotional period only. For example, “Back to school offers” or “Valentine's Day Special Prices” is only acceptable during the periods leading up to the beginning of the school year or Valentine's Day.
    • Be provided to customers upfront. Customers do not have to complete trivial tasks such as in-banner games, quizzes, or surveys to be eligible for a special offer.

    Travel Ads

    Prices in ads for travel services must always be given as “from $X” due to the likelihood of price fluctuations. For example, “Fly to Sydney from $200 AUD” rather than “Fly to Sydney for $200 AUD”.


    Comparative Advertising

    Ads on Buddying UP cannot explicitly call out your competitors. Ads may include references to a “leading brand” or another generic phrasing.

    Ads off Buddying UP can use comparisons with named competitors if they do not criticize or attack the competitors.


    Customer Reviews and Ratings

    Customer reviews sourced from third parties are prohibited. You may use editorial and expert reviews (for example, a quote from a national news outlet) if the source of the review is identified in the ad

    When permitted, customer reviews must:

    • Be genuine and not induced or paid.
    • Relate to the specific product or service advertised (for example, you cannot use a customer review for a 16GB version of a smartphone in an ad for the 32GB version).
    • Be discoverable from the landing page (either because they are present on the product detail page, or by clicking on “see all reviews”).
    • Not be changed, including the correction of grammatical errors (but you must avoid reviews with gross misspellings or significant grammatical errors).
      • Truncations must not alter the meaning of the review.
      • Omissions to portions of customer reviews are permissible through the use of ellipses: (“…”) with no spaces before or after.
    • Ellipses in customer review headlines may only be used at the beginning or the end of the headline, but not in the middle.
    • Aside from headlines, we permit a maximum of three ellipses: one at the start of the review, one in the middle (except for headlines, see the bullet below), and one at the end.
    • Not compare the product promoted to a competing product by name.
    • Not contain references to medical conditions, profanities, emojis or other special characters.


    Disclosures must be accurate, legible (both in size and contrast with the background of the ad), and understandable to the average customer.


    Editorial Guidelines

    Ads must be clean, grammatically correct, and professional. The following are prohibited on all ads.

    Misspellings and grammatical errors such as a wrong verb tense. Slang or wordplay (such as “Cuz” as opposed to “Because”) may be permitted if otherwise compliant with these policies.

    Random capitalization (such as “QUALITY HeadPhones”), except for common abbreviations or trademarks are prohibited.

    Improper punctuation, such as repeated questions or exclamation marks (“!!!”).

    Special characters such as @@, ###, emojis, except when part of the advertiser’s logo are included on the product image. Hashtags (#) are permitted if they do not contain inappropriate content (for example, #[profanity]).

    Ad copy that uses personalized language (such as “you/your”) which may be perceived by a customer as if you are addressing him/her directly and that may cause customer discomfort.

    For example, ad copy reading “Use our product to solve your incontinence problems” or “You are overweight. Use our dietary supplement.”

    Ad copy that acknowledges or implies the targeting criteria used for the campaign. For example, an ad copy reading “Did you enjoy your recent purchase of [product]? Try our newest model.”

    Inconsistency between ad copy and landing page. You must present the same offer or product both in your ad copy and on your landing page. For example, we would prohibit ad copy reading “Save on household supplies” with an image of a dish soap leading to a landing page that features vacuum cleaners.

    Ads must not promote the sale of products that are out-of-stock, back-ordered or under recall, or services that are unavailable for purchase at the time that the campaign runs. Ads must be paused when the product or service promoted becomes unavailable. Ads for products that are only available for pre-order are permitted if this is clear in the ad, for example, by using a “pre-order” call to action (CTA).

    Landing pages consisting solely of a sign up/registration form. Your landing page should expand on your ad's message and provide a satisfactory experience before the customer is forced to enter his/her info to find out more. For example, we prohibit landing pages that consists solely of a form to collect contact information.

    Interactive ad elements that are not appropriately placed. Inappropriately placed interactive elements like call to action (CTA) buttons, sliders, or video playback buttons can cause customer discomfort. For example, we prohibit placing a CTA button over a model's breasts or a slider over a gruesome image.


    Free Offers

    When free products or services promoted are dependent on a purchase (for example, a free case with the purchase of a mobile phone), you must indicate that terms and conditions apply in your ad copy. The terms and conditions, or a link to terms and conditions, must be clearly presented in the ad close to the offer.

    The landing page must prominently present the free offer advertised.



    Ads must be in the primary language of the site on which they appear.

    Ads in a foreign language may be permitted if targeted to customers that are physically located in another country or based on the customer's language setting preferences.


    Font sizes and maximum word count

    Ads display on many different screen types and sizes. Minimum font sizes and word count requirements ensure that text in ads is readable on screens of varying type, size, and resolution. Please review the ad specs for more details.

    Ads must be legible. The text must be big enough to be readable to the average customer. Ads cannot use the same or similar colour for text and background because the text will not be legible (for example, white text on light Gray background).


    Pressuring Language

    Buddying UP prohibits pressuring language to avoid creating a sense of urgency which may be disruptive to the customer's shopping experience.

    Ads must engage customers without appearing to shout at or pressure them.

    Ads must not contain:

    • Pressuring language that creates a sense of urgency (for example “Hurry while supplies last”).
    • Repeated exclamation or question marks (for example, “!!!”).
    • Any end punctuation in calls to action (for example, “Shop now!”, or “Find out more?”).
    • Any combination of two or more of the following elements: copy in ALL CAPS, punctuation marks, large font sizes (for example, “UNMISSABLE SUMMER DEALS!”).

    Ads must not mimic Buddying UP content. Any uses of Buddying UP trademarks, or other references to Buddying UP or its products/services must comply with the Brand Usage Guidelines.

    We prohibit the use of “Buddying UP's Choice,” “Buddying UP's Best Seller,” and Buddying UP ranking in static ads because these elements refresh frequently and may not remain accurate for the duration of the campaign.


    • Children in adult or dangerous situations. For example, ads must not show children close to, or handling, firearms or other weapons, or in situations which may contravene established child safety best practices (such as children in vehicles without their seatbelts fastened or cycling without helmets), or without adult supervision in places or situations where they cannot safely look after themselves (such as swimming pools, crossing busy roads or around dangerous equipment).
    • Deceptive, false, or misleading.
    • Directly targeted at or that appeal to children due to the messaging, imagery, or targeting.
    • Emotionally draining or exploitative, including content that portrays abused humans or animals.
    • Content that promotes practices that can result in the physical or mental harm of customers.
    • That encourages, glamorizes or depicts excessive consumption of drugs or alcohol.
    • Excessive violence or gore. For example, exposed guts or dismemberment.
    • Exploitation of sensitive events such as natural disasters, human-caused disasters, incidents of mass trauma and/or casualties, or the death of public figures.
    • Full nudity, which Buddying UP defines as fully visible intimate parts: genitals, breast, and buttock.
    • Obscene, controversial, defamatory, libelous, illegal, or invasive of another's privacy.
    • Political such as campaigns for or against a politician or a political party, or related to an election, or content related to political issues of public debate.
    • Content that revolves around controversial or highly debated social topics.
    • Pop-up and pop-unders.
    • Pornography or explicit sexual content.
    • Foul, vulgar, or obscene language or language containing profanity, including obscured profanity (such as s@#t or WTF), graphic or suggestive language or double entendres, or scatological references.
    • Religious advocacy, either advocating or demeaning any religion.
    • Threatening, abusive, or harassing, or content that advocates or discriminates against a protected group (whether based on race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any similar or another category).
    • Content that violates our Editorial Guidelines.
    • Illegal Products or Services - Ads must not constitute, facilitate, or promote illegal products, services or activities. Ads targeted to minors must not promote products, services, or content that are inappropriate, illegal, or unsafe, or that exploit, mislead, or exert undue pressure on the age groups targeted.



    Ads that promote or reference alcohol must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses and approvals, and include age and country targeting criteria consistent with Buddying UP's targeting requirements and applicable local laws. Note that our policies prohibit ads promoting or referencing alcohol in some countries, including but not limited to: Afghanistan, Brunei, Bangladesh, Egypt, Gambia, Kuwait, Libya, Lithuania, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.



    Ads for dating services are not allowed.


    Online Gambling and Gaming

    Ads that promote online gambling, and gaming where anything of monetary value (including cash or digital/virtual currencies, e.g. bitcoin) is required to play and anything of monetary value forms part of the prize, are only allowed with our prior written permission. This includes games where purchases are required to continue game play and/or provide advantage in winning prizes, in cases where the prize is of monetary value. Authorized advertisers must follow all applicable laws, including targeting their ads in accordance with legal requirements. At a minimum, ads may not be targeted to people under 18 years of age.


    Online Pharmacies

    Ads must not promote the sale of prescription pharmaceuticals. Ads for online and offline pharmacies are only permitted with prior written permission.


    Promotion of Over-The-Counter Drugs

    Ads that promote over-the-counter medicines must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses and approvals, and include age and country targeting criteria consistent with applicable local laws.


    Subscription Services

    Ads for subscription services, or that promote products or services that include negative options, automatic renewal, free-to-pay conversion billing products, or mobile marketing are subject to our subscription services requirements.


    Financial and Insurance Products and Services

    Ads promoting credit card applications, or financial services with accredited institutions must clearly provide sufficient disclosure regarding associated fees, including APR percentages, transaction fees, interest rates and the physical address of the entity offering the product within the ad's landing page. Ads promoting credit cards, loans or insurance services must be targeted to people 18 years or above. Ads promoting credit cards, loans or insurance services must not directly request the input of a person’s financial information, including credit card information.


    Branded Content

    Ads promoting branded content, must be authorised by the owner of the brand prior to adverts being placed in to Buddying Up.


    Ads About Social Issues, Elections or Politics

    Advertisers can run ads about social issues, elections or politics, provided the advertiser complies with all applicable laws and the authorization process required by Buddying UP. Where appropriate, we may restrict issue, electoral or political ads.


    Cryptocurrency Products and Services

    Ads may not promote cryptocurrency trading or related products and services without prior written permission. Contact admin@buddyingup.com.au if you wish to promote cryptocurrency.


    Cosmetic Procedures and Weight Loss

    Ads marketing weight loss products and services must be targeted to people at least 18 years or older. Ads marketing cosmetic surgeries and procedures must be targeted to people at least 18 years or older.


    Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

    Buddying UP requires advertisers who wish to run addiction treatment ads targeting Australia to apply to us to advertise.

    Addiction treatment ads include, but are not limited to: Clinical addiction treatment services or websites providing information about in-person treatment, online and in-person support groups, and crisis hotlines for those in recovery or who are seeking information about addiction treatment.


    Social Casino Games

    Ads for social casino games, which are online games that simulate casino gambling (e.g. poker, slots, roulette etc) where there is no opportunity to win money or money’s worth, are allowed only if they are targeted to people 18 years or older.


    1. You must not use targeting options to discriminate against, harass, provoke, or disparage users or to engage in predatory advertising practices.
    2. If you target your ads to custom audiences, you must comply with the applicable terms when creating an audience.



    All ad components, including any text, images or other media, must be relevant and appropriate to the product or service being offered and the audience viewing the ad.



    Ads must clearly represent the company, product, service, or brand that is being advertised.


    Related Landing Pages

    The products and services promoted in an ad's text must match those promoted on the landing page, and the destination site must not offer or link to any prohibited product or service.


    Advertisers must not create Lead Ads questions to request the following types of information without our prior written permission.


    Account Numbers

    Ads must not request account numbers, including frequent flyer numbers, loyalty card numbers, or cable or telephone account numbers without our prior permission.


    Criminal History

    Ads must not request information regarding criminal or arrest history without our prior permission.


    Financial Information

    Ads must not request financial information, including bank account numbers, bank routing numbers, credit or debit card numbers, credit scores, income, net worth or how much debt someone has without our prior permission.


    Government Issued Identifiers

    Ads must not request government-issued identifiers, including Social Security numbers, passport numbers or driver's license numbers without our prior permission.


    Health Information

    Ads must not request health information, including physical health, mental health, medical treatments, medical conditions or disabilities without our prior permission.


    Insurance Information

    Ads must not request insurance information, including current insurance policy numbers, without our prior permission.


    Political Affiliation

    Ads must not request information regarding political affiliation.


    Race or Ethnicity

    Ads must not request information regarding race or ethnicity without our prior permission.



    Ads must not request information regarding religion or philosophical beliefs without our prior permission.


    Sexual Orientation

    Ads must not request information regarding sexual orientation or information about the sexual life of the individual, including what gender(s) the person prefers to date, without our prior permission.


    Prefill Questions

    Ads must not request the same or substantially similar information that you could use a Prefill Question to request.


    Trade Union Membership

    Ads must not request information regarding trade Union membership status without our prior permission.


    Usernames or Passwords

    Ads must not request usernames or passwords, including usernames and passwords for existing and new accounts, without our prior permission.


    Buddying UP has 3 levels of Advertising and price varies between each.

    The 3 levels are Gold, Platinum and Buddy+.

    Each level determines where the advertisement is located on the Platform.


    Payment for Advertising

    Payment for Advertising is collected monthly or yearly with no locked in contract. Advertisers are free to advertise any time subject to Buddying UP approval and the advertisement will be on the site for the duration of the payment period (unless Buddying UP agrees to extend).


    Conditions of Advertising

    Buddying UP has the right to:

    - Remove any Ads at our discretion at any given time. Advertisers will be reimbursed for the remaining advertisement period from the date it was cancelled.


    Regular Reviews

    Advertisers warrant that their advertisements do not use copyrighted or otherwise protected slogans, words or images.


    Advertisers warrant that their advertisements do not use copyrighted or otherwise protected slogans, words or images.

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  • Popular Products
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